Author Archives: michael

Bourbon County Vanilla Rye

Back in the old beer days, this would have cost you several bucks or a ransom in trade. Now, in the future, it is just something on the shelf at the beer shop. I’m glad for this future, as it is delicious. I am sure something good was lost when Goose Island got turned into a megaproducer, but having a chance to try this beer that was effectively a myth 15 years ago is a silver lining I’ll take.

I have a small group chat of friends where we share drink portraits. I’ve been hesitant to share them all here, lest you think me some kind of drinksmonger. I’ve resolved to share the good ones in 2025. You won’t be saddled with the airport Budweisers (not all of them anyway), but if I can get a classy photo of a fun cocktail I’ll go ahead and share it.

Post-Breakfast Perch

After filling up on some crackers and roasted peanuts, this Murder Member hung out a bit hoping for seconds.

I didn’t give in this time.

Merry Christmas

Gingerbread House Through Champagne

Spooky Moon

Spooky Season was a while ago, but this classic moon-through-the-trees photo is bringing some of that energy to Christmastime.

Night Driving

Had a lovely time at family Christmas up in Front Royal, Va.. It sure does get dark in the mountains.

I did some sorting. Need to do some reading.

I buy a lot of comics but I tend to wait and read them in bunches. This was the Big Sort of Fall 2024.

Greensboro, NC

October, oh October. Why so full?

Work took me down to Greensboro, NC, former home of Cone Mills, one of the OG denim producers in the US. The factory is gone, but the city still remembers.

We stayed at a hotel that was very into denim. Like, the bathrobes in the rooms were made of denim. I’ll spare you the selfie I took in it, but trust me when I tell you it was great.

I nabbed this little guy as a souvenir. He fits right at home on the souvenir shelf I’ve been building out in the office.

This wild-ass Jeep would also be at home on the shelf. I spent a suspicious amount of time taking in the scene.


I’m not necessarily a car guy, but this clean-clean 280Z stopped me cold.

Had to grab a photo.

2024 Dominion Energy Charity Classic

October was pretty full. I got hooked up with some tickets to the 2024 Dominion Energy Charity Classic, which is a stop on the PGA Senior Tour. They don’t call it that any more, I think because the golfers don’t want to be called “seniors”, but that’s basically what it is.

I had never been to a golf tournament in person before and we had a lot of fun on day when the weather was perfect.

I didn’t know at the time, but this event is a big deal locally and for the players. We got the whole bus-from-the-lot treatment.

Right out of the gate I spied Rocco Mediate’s fly Jordan’s. I like to think that I’d be cool enough to pull of J’s on the golf course (but who am I kidding?).

I know I am cool enough, and have the corresponding golf skills, to get stuck behind a green-side crepe myrtle.

the whole day was cool but the highlight for me was following Ernie Els for a handful of holes. He’s a beast, and definitely someone I remember watching on tv in his prime.


Little dude was getting after it.